Online Account
Doctor Information

  • Exporting Results from Marina Online

    Results can be exported from Voyager to patient files on your database in two ways. Please find below the instructions for both these options:

    JPEG: A simple format that can be viewed on any computer with slightly reduced resolution (not recommended to be used for clinical diagnosis).

    DICOM: A special image format that is used in radiology, the majority of medical specific software can natively import/view this format.

    • Download required images individually as JPEG files

      1. Open the desired study
      2. Click the “Save icon at the bottom of each image you wish to export
      3. The image will save to the default Downloads folder on your computer. From here you can save it in the respective patients file on your hard drive

  • Break Glass - Accessing 3rd Party Referred Results

    IMPORTANT: Access to patient results via Voyager is to be used solely for medical purposes to benefit the wellbeing of the patient and aid in their treatment. By logging into Voyager the user acknowledges that they must abide by the Privacy Act set out in the Privacy Commissioner’s National Privacy principles. For further details, please refer to the Privacy Act detailed on the Australian Government Website.

    1. Login to Voyager
    2. Click the Break Glass button
    3. Enter the patients’ details in the format indicated on the screen, and click "Search"

    NOTE: Ensure there is NO space between the comma and the Firstname in the name field. If there is, the results will not be displayed.