Privacy Policy
At all times, Marina Radiology is committed to preserving the privacy of our patients, as well as our prospective patients. The collection and dissemination of personal information (including sensitive (health) information), is only performed by Marina Radiology with consent and for health-related purposes.
How we collect, use, disclose, store and manage your personal information (including sensitive (health) information) in accordance with Australia’s Privacy Act 1988 and all applicable State/Territory privacy legislation, is outlined in this Privacy Statement.
The collection and handling of personal information (including sensitive (health) information) by Marina Radiology for referring Health Professionals (and their nominees), Medical Specialists and hospital staff (and their nominees), other healthcare providers, businesses/individuals who supply goods and services to Marina Radiology, prospective employees, and other individuals we have communication with, is also contained within this Privacy Statement.
Why Do We Collect Your Personal Information?
Your personal information (including sensitive (health) information) is collected by Marina Radiology to provide:
quality diagnostic imaging services;
assistance in the provision of medical care to patients, and prospective patients; and
Health Professionals and/or other healthcare providers and their relevant nominees with patient-based services.
Marina Radiology also collects and stores personal information relevant for employment and business-related purposes.
Personal information is commonly collected directly from you; however, it may be obtained from third parties, such as your referring Health Professional, other relevant Health Professionals or organisations.
How Do We Use Your Personal Information?
Your personal information (including sensitive (health) information) may be used by Marina Radiology for:
conducting an assessment of your health;
providing a specialist medical report regarding your health to your referring Health Professional or third parties (for example, other Health Professionals (where appropriate), a family member, authorised representatives, etc);
contribution to your ongoing healthcare and treatment (unless you have informed us otherwise);
internal administrative purposes (such as billing and debt recovery actions);
remitting appointment reminder notifications;
informing relevant parties (such as government authorities, legal professionals, medical defence organisations etc) of an accident/incident in cases where alleged medical malpractice has taken place;
training and continued professional development of Marina Radiology staff;
education of, and medical discussion with Health Professionals (de-identification of personal information prior to use);
quality assurance practices, branch accreditation, customer satisfaction surveys, market research and statistical analysis, performance analysis, service development, provision of medical imaging information and complaints handling;
consideration, sourcing, and/or processing of potential candidates for employment;
replying to enquiries lodged through our website, email, in person and via the phone;
dealing with your enquiries and customer service purposes;
market and product analysis and development; and
for any other reasonably expected purpose
For all other uses or disclosure, we will make every reasonable effort to obtain your consent.
Disclosure or sale of any personal information (including sensitive (health) information) to persons/organisations (other than those listed above), not involved in your medical care, is not engaged in by Marina Radiology.
As part of our duty of care and legal obligations, personal information (including sensitive (health) information) may need to be divulged by Marina Radiology to external parties, in circumstances where it is seen to be reasonable and relevant in the context of your treatment. This may be due to medical, ethical, legal, insurance and/or procedural reasons, and may include the following parties:
your referring Health Professional, nominees of your Health Professional (such as employees and other Health Professionals consulting at your referring Health Professional’s practice), and other Health Professionals identified as requiring copies of the results;
other registered Health Professionals or Medical Specialists who have advised Marina Radiology of their involvement in your healthcare, and require further information on your medical history;
medical and administration staff of relevant hospitals;
other Radiology providers requiring details on your previous diagnostic imaging history and results;
Health Professionals registered for Marina Radiology’s electronic results viewing platform, Voyager (see Electronic Result Access for Health Professionals);
individuals involved in the secure transmission of results electronically via Healthlink (see Electronic Result Access for Health Professionals) to nominated Health Professionals;
domestic and internationally-based contractors, employed by Marina Radiology under strict privacy and confidentiality protocols, for the provision of operational services;
your nominated representative/s (for example, a guardian, carer, translator/communication liaison and/or authorised nominees (for example, a legal advisor, family member etc));
healthcare and law enforcement personnel in circumstances which may result in serious threat to the life, health or safety of yourself or others;
insurance agencies (such as Medicare, private health insurance companies, Transport Accident Commission (TAC), Workers Compensation insurers etc) for the purpose of benefits payable, or to other third parties for accounting/billing purposes;
Marina Radiology’s professional advisors (including legal counsels and auditors);
Government, regulatory authorities and any identified applicable bodies, as instructed and required by, or under, Australian law, or law enforcement agencies; and/or
Marina Radiology’s associated entities (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)) within our corporate group structure
Should you have any questions about your privacy, use, collection, storage or dissemination of your personal information, please contact our Human Resources Department.
Where personal information (including sensitive (health) information) is used for the purposes of assessing service quality, analysing company and staff performance, and educational purposes, personal information will be de-identified to preserve anonymity.
If all, or part of the information requested is not provided accurately, or in its entirety, the consequences of this may be that we are unable to:
carry out or deliver the expected services to you;
perform, or deliver our services to you, or your referring Health Professional, at all;
accommodate any future requests relating to our services
Types of Personal Information
Information which may be collected from you, or relevant Health Professionals or their associates, include, but are not limited to, your:
email address;
phone/mobile number;
pregnancy status;
medical history (including previous imaging results, operations, pathology results etc);
other clinically relevant medical details (such as height, weight, menstrual cycle etc);
Medicare details;
private health fund information; or
other associated relevant third parties (for example, TAC, Workers Compensation agency, employee contact) for billing/accounting purposes
How Do We Collect It?
Only lawful and fair methods of data collection will be employed by Marina Radiology to obtain your personal information, and will not be performed in an unreasonable or intrusive manner. This may be by way of online forms, emails, via telephone or in person.
We will only collect personal information about an individual, where it is reasonable and practicable for us to do so, from that individual only.
If we collect personal information about you from someone else (such as a Health Professional, organisation, translator/interpreter etc), we will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are aware or have been made aware of the matters listed above (except to the extent that making you aware of these matters would pose a serious threat to the life or health of any individual).
Accuracy of Personal Information
Marina Radiology takes all efforts to ensure the accuracy, relevance and completeness of personal information (including sensitive (health) information) we collect, use and disseminate. Our ability to ensure this relies upon the information you provide to us. Therefore, we recommend that you:
inform us of any errors in your personal information we hold;
notify us of any changes to your personal information (such as your name, contact details, Medicare number etc); and,
provide us with your most accurate, complete and current personal information.
You can update your personal information either in person at one of our branches, over the phone, or by emailing your details to: hr@marinaradiology.com.au.
Access and Correction of Your Information
Marina Radiology strongly recommends that you obtain your results in consultation with your referring Health Professional. This is important as they are in the best position to assess the findings in the context of your overall health care, medical history, and other health test results, and recommend subsequent treatment actions.
However, you may request access to your personal information held by Marina Radiology. Reproduction of results and/or images (if available), may incur a charge, of which you will be notified of in advance. Some circumstances (typically those of a legal nature as outlined in the Privacy Act 1988) may result in access to your personal information (including sensitive (health) information) being denied.
Where reasonable to do so, an explanation will be supplied to you in the event that your request for access or correction of your personal information be denied. Mechanisms to file a complaint will be provided to you (see Our Contact Details below).
It is your obligation and responsibility to inform Marina Radiology of any changes or corrections to personal information we hold about you.
Access to, and correction of your personal information can be requested by contacting Marina Radiology in branch, on the phone, or online via our website. Confirmation of your identity and information relating to previous imaging at Marina Radiology will be required before any personal information will be released.
In some circumstances and regions, Marina Radiology provides confidential delivery of results through courier (Marina Radiology courier or third party carrier service), Marina Radiology staff or postage. Please arrange with our branch staff to collect your own results should this not be acceptable to you. To protect your personal information, any nominated third parties collecting results on your behalf must provide photo identification, along with your written consent (containing the full name of the person collecting the results) of this arrangement, before your results will be released to them.
Data Security
Marina Radiology takes all reasonable measures to protect your personal information (including sensitive (health) information) within our network from tampering, loss, misuse and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Records are securely stored for future retrieval as per applicable regulations and legislation and good business practice. If any stored records or personal information no longer require retention, Marina Radiology will take reasonable measures to destroy or sufficiently de-identify them.
Strict government legislation renders diagnostic imaging providers responsible for the secure retention of health records and information. As such, Marina Radiology typically retains health information according to the following protocols:
health information obtained when the individual is over 18 years of age is retained for 7 years (dated from the last instance we provided health services to the individual)
health information obtained when the individual is under 18 years of age, is retained until the individual is 25 years of age
How We Protect Your Privacy
Your privacy will be protected by Marina Radiology by:
only collecting relevant information for purposes of health and service delivery in accordance with this Privacy Statement, or with your consent;
securely storing your health information;
providing you with reasonable access to information we have relating to you;
not distributing your information to any parties external to Marina Radiology in circumstances other than those outlined in this Privacy Statement;
at any stage, enabling you to retract your consent;
supplying you with a mechanism through which you are able to submit a complaint regarding privacy issues;
having protocols in place for engagement with the Office of the Australian Privacy Commissioner to resolve any complaints which are unable to be satisfactorily addressed with you directly;
ensuring that Marina Radiology’s external contractors act in accordance with relevant laws, including Australia’s Privacy Act 1988; and
continuing to assess, adapt and advance our privacy policies
Electronic Result Access for Health Professionals
Marina Radiology offers a secure electronic, results viewing platform for Health Professionals and hospital medical staff. This provides access to patient reports and images either online or on a downloaded version of the software. Your personal information (including sensitive (health) information) may be accessible on this platform.
Users of this service require an assigned username and password and must accept the user Terms and Conditions before each viewing session to be authorised access to the platform. This renders them obligated to only access, and use, information and data on the platform for medical purposes in the best interests of all individuals. In addition to this, professional codes of conduct (such as oaths, declarations, contracts of employment etc) also bind the majority of the platform users (Health Professionals) to adhere to confidentiality and ethical practices.
Your referring Health Professional will have digital access, via the aforementioned Referrer Portal, to your personal information (including sensitive (health) information). With your consent, consent of a third-party acting on your behalf, or where deemed medically appropriate, Marina Radiology may provide access of this to other Health Professionals. You may also expressly consent to the provision of your personal information (including sensitive (health) information) to Medical Professionals, hospitals, or associated staff, in general.
Results are also transmitted electronically to Health Professionals involved in your care via Healthlink, a third-party, secure messaging system. These results are sent securely through Healthlink to your referring Health Professional and any other Health Professionals involved in your care, as nominated by the referrer, or upon request from you, relevant Health Professionals or their staff.
Anti-Spam Policy
We will never rent or sell your personal information, including your email address or phone number.
Contact Details
If you need any further information pertaining to a privacy matter, you can contact us through the details below
Human Resources
Marina Diagnostic Group Pty Ltd
Attention: Human Resources Officer
PO Box 2048
Dandenong East VIC 3175
Contact Information:
Phone: 1300 097 297
Fax: 03 9794 5393
Email: hr@marinaradiology.com.au