Our Billing Model
Bulk Billing Information
Marina endeavours to ensure that premium imaging services are accessible to all members of the community. We recognise that health care is often expensive and, as one of Australia’s first radiology companies to introduce bulk billing, we are proud to still provide bulk billing for a wide range of our services.
Should you have any queries regarding the price of your scan, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 0 XRAYS.
Please ensure you bring your valid Medicare card on the day of your appointment.
Further benefits apply for patients who hold a valid Age or Disability Pension Concession Card. Upon presentation of this card at the time of the appointment, you will be bulk billed for all interventional procedures.
Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA)
DVA GOLD CARD – DVA gold card holders will be completely covered for all Medicare rebate-able studies. When booking your appointment, please mention your gold card status, and bring it with you on the day of your scan.
DVA WHITE CARD – DVA white card holders need to consult the Department of Veteran Affairs prior to your appointment to confirm if your scan will be covered by them.
WorkCover and TAC
Marina Radiology accepts all WorkCover and TAC claims. Please notify us if you have WorkCover or TAC claims upon booking, and on the day of your appointment. When attending your appointment, simply bring along your:
Referral form
Medicare card and all relevant health care cards
Details for:
WorkCover: Claim number, or your workplace details, date of injury and a contact name
TAC: Claim number and date of the incident